Mental Health
Connect with school staff if you have questions or need help. Below is a list of resources and links to access Mental Health Resources in the St. Paul City School Community and citywide.
District Services
Primary School Social Worker: Ka Vang, 651-225-9177 x3079,
Middle School Social Worker: Becky Schliesman, 651-225-9177 x3088,
High School Social Worker: Sai Fraser, 651-2225-9177,
Wilder Foundation: provides school-based mental health services to SPCS students. Contact your program’s social worker for referral information.
Community Referrals: contact your building’s school social worker for support with locating a provider in the community.
State-wIde Mental Health Crisis Hotline
Call CRISIS (**274747). By calling this number you will be seamlessly forwarded to a county crisis team based on your call's location for support by phone, or when needed, to have a team meet you to provide support. Teams provide rapid response and work to assess the individual, resolve crises and link people to needed services. They are available in all parts of the state 24/7.
Twin City Metro Resources
Metro Children’s Crisis Response Services: Mental Health Issues and Crisis Support.
Suicide Prevention: 612-347-2222
Ramsey County Resources
Children’s Crisis Response: Call 651-774-7000.
Early intervention services and mental health assessments for children: Call 651-266-4042.
Ramsey County Adult Mental Health Crisis: Call 651-266-7900.
Hennepin County Resources
COPE: Community Outreach for Psychiatric Emergencies (COPE) provides emergency intervention services 24-hours/day for adults with crises occurring in Hennepin County. Call 612-596-1223.
Hennepin County Child Crisis: 24/7 child crisis (17 and under) if Hennepin County resident. 612-348-2233.
Hennepin County Mental Health Emergencies: Mobile crisis teams, mental health resources, and tools to evaluate mental health crisis in the home.
Dakota County Resources
Children's Mental Health Case Management: receive assistance in locating resources for your child’s needs and get advice about the application process. Call 952-891-7459.
Adult Mental Health Services Intake: where you will be assisted in locating needed resources.
Call: 651-554-6424 (open Monday–Friday from 8am–4pm);
Visit: the Northern Service Center for a walk in appointment at 1 Mendota Road, 3rd Floor, Social Services Lobby, West St. Paul (open Monday–Friday from 8am–4pm);
Email: Dakota Adult Services Intake at
The Minnesota Farm and Rural Helpline: This number will be answered 24/7 by qualified staff to assist you in handling stress surrounding farming and rural problems. Call 833-600-2670. More resources can be found on the Minnesota Department of Agriculture website.
Multicultural Resources
CLUES (Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio): Mental health, chemical health, community health and other family support services which focus on the Latino family as well as new immigrants and low income families. Call 651-379-4200.
Mental Health Association of Minnesota – Multicultural Resources: Resources and service providers serving diverse populations throughout Minnesota.
Volunteers of America Somali & East African Behavioral Health Services Program: Culturally and language specific behavioral health services for Somali and East African youth and adults, and their families.
American Indian Family Center: 651-793-3803
Other Resources
Crisis Text Line: Text MN to 741741 for free support at your fingertips, 24/7.
MN Crisis Services by County: Crisis response resources in other Minnesota counties.
Depression Support Coalition: Information, education, and support for those affected by depression.
Mental Health Association of Minnesota: Outreach and advocacy services for individuals with mental health needs.
Minnesota Association of Children’s Mental Health: Information, education, training, and resources for parents with children with mental health needs.
National Suicide Prevention LifeLine: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
United Way First Call for Help: Find location resources in times of need. Call 651-291-0211.